Thursday, August 23, 2012

Engaged to be Married

He checks inside his pocket and it is still there, a few seconds go by and he checks his pocket again - reassurance. It is a symbol of his love for the woman he is hoping will one day become his lovely bride. It rolls around in the front pocket of his denim jeans and mostly he knows that it is there but every few seconds - panic - where did it go? Oh! Thank God, it is still there.
In a few moments he will present it and 'pop the question' but, first things first, a slight ruse is in order because this cannot be an ordinary, run of the mill type of proposal. No sir, this must be thoughful, surprising, clever and appealling.

Flash back to two weeks ago: After 40 or so back-and-forth emails I have agreed to create a caricature of Kory and Taryn on Laguna Beach (the place they met about two years ago.) I offer up some ideas and the next day he shoots across a few more and so it goes as I develop this charming keepsake.
Then Kory sets up the plan: He will take Taryn out for drinks - The Elbow Room. I will be there too. (She does not know me and I have never met Kory in person.) After a short time I approach them, ask permission to draw their caricature on-the-spot. Then he will propose.
Today is the day: Everything is going as planned. I am seated at a table a few feet away and eventually seated with them, drawing (Kory, fidgeting, is making sure the engagement ring has not wandered out of his pocket). I then present the full-color caricature to Kory and he presents it to Taryn - her response is "Wait, you didn't just do that right now - What?" 'What?", her eyes glisten, her hand slightly trembles. Kory is on one knee with ring in hand, "Taryn, Will you Marry me?"


  1. Man, is there any way I can have a do-over proposal with my wife so you can draw something as special as Kory and Taryn's caricature??? -- D-Lo_in_Fresno
